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Want to Level Up Your Life? Obedience Is the Secret Key

Writer's picture: Victoria ShilongoVictoria Shilongo

Alright, let’s be real for a second. You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Obedience is better than sacrifice,” and thought, “Okay, cool, but what does that even mean? Does God really care that much if I do exactly what He says every single time? Like, can’t I just offer up a little something-something to make up for it?”

A woman being obedient by getting work from her supervisor to do some work
Toria Indie getting instructions from her faux manager to do work

Well, the answer is… yes, He cares. A lot. And it’s not because He’s trying to be some cosmic micromanaging supervisor (nobody enjoys that). It’s because obedience is more than just following rules—it’s about trusting God, loving Him, and being on the same page with His heart.

When we obey, we’re showing that we trust Him, even if we don’t always get why He’s asking us to do something. And that trust? It can totally change your spiritual life.

Obedience helps us stay connected to God’s plan, which is always for our good, even when it’s tough. So instead of trying to make up for messing up later, obedience helps us avoid the mess in the first place and brings more peace right away.

If you’re trying to juggle school, work, relationships, and everything else life throws at you, it can feel pretty overwhelming, right? And on top of all that, you’re probably wondering how faith even fits into the craziness of everyday life. Here’s the good news: obedience is the key to finding peace, purpose, and knowing what direction God wants you to go in. Let’s dig in, shall we?!

1. What’s the Difference Between Obedience and Sacrifice?

Let’s break this down real quick:

  • Obedience: Willingly doing what God asks, even when it doesn’t make sense or feels a little uncomfortable. (Okay, a lot uncomfortable sometimes.) It’s about saying, “God, I trust You, even though I’m not entirely sure how this is going to work out.”

  • Sacrifice: Offering up something valuable—whether it’s your time, money, or energy—as an act of devotion or to make up for something.

Now, don’t get me wrong, sacrifices are good. But when we try to replace obedience with sacrifices (like saying “God, I’ll pray extra hard next week because I ignored what You told me to do today”), it gets tricky. God is not after our rituals; He’s after our hearts.

Biblical Example: King Saul Messed This Up Big Time

Let’s throw it back to King Saul. God gave Saul clear instructions to wipe out all the Amalekites and their possessions. But what did Saul do? He kept the best animals, thinking, “I’ll just sacrifice these to God later. It’ll be fine.” Except… it wasn’t fine. God didn’t want the sacrifice. He wanted obedience. Saul’s disobedience cost him the kingdom (1 Samuel 15:22). Ouch.

Moral of the story: Half-hearted obedience is still disobedience. And no amount of sacrificing can make up for a heart that isn’t fully surrendered to God’s will.

2. Why Obedience is Relevant (And Necessary) Today

In a world that tells you to "live your truth" and "do what feels right," obedience can sound like a total vibe killer. I get it. We live in a time where you can literally Google any opinion that fits your mood and roll with it. But here’s the thing—when we obey God, we align ourselves with His truth. And guess what? His truth never changes, even when trends do.

Obedience in Relationships

It’s easy to follow your feelings in relationships, right? But God calls us to a higher standard which is—love, forgiveness, and being humble. Obedience in relationships might mean forgiving someone even when they don’t apologize. (Yeah, I know… that one’s tough.) But holding grudges? That only hurts you, and God knows that. He’s not about keeping you stuck in bitterness.

Obedience with Finances

Money is tight. You’re probably trying to make ends meet or save up for something big, and the idea of tithing or giving generously to someone in need sounds insane. But the economy of God doesn’t work the way ours does. When you trust Him with your finances, even when it feels risky, He promises to provide. Obedience here shows that you trust God to be your provider, not your bank account.

Obedience in Speech and Behavior

Let’s be real: we’ve all been tempted to throw shade, gossip, or say whatever pops into our heads in the heat of the moment. But God’s like, “Hey, maybe don’t.” Obeying Him with our words means choosing kindness and self-control, even when it feels so good to let that clapback fly. It’s not about letting people walk all over you—it’s about being wise in how you respond.

When negativity comes at you—whether it’s rude comments, gossip, or outright disrespect—don’t give in. Protect your energy by choosing light and positivity over reacting in anger. Some people, I like to call them “energy vampires,” thrive off pulling you into their drama. But you don’t have to play their game. You can choose peace.

So, how do you actually do this? When someone says something nasty or tries to provoke you, you have options: ignore it, stay quiet, or just walk away. Remember, you know your truth, and that’s what matters. Sometimes, you’ll need to address the situation so it doesn’t lead to ongoing disrespect—but other times, it’s best to just not give them the attention they’re looking for.

Here’s the thing: when you refuse to engage with their negativity, you hold on to your power—the power God has given you. Don’t let them drain your energy. When you stay calm and keep your peace, you’re not just avoiding drama; you’re living out your obedience to God.

And trust me, that’s when you’ll feel the strongest. So, the next time you’re tempted to snap back, remember that real strength is in self-control.

Give it a try. Next time someone tries to get under your skin, choose to stay calm, walk away, and keep your peace in Christ. I’d love to hear how it goes for you!

Obedience with Time and Talents

You have gifts—yes, you do. Maybe you’re artistic, a natural leader, or just really good at making people laugh. God gave you those talents for a reason, and obedience means using them for more than just yourself. Maybe it’s stepping up in church, at your workplace, at school, volunteering, or mentoring someone younger. Obedience is saying, “God, I’m available to you. Use me however You want, I belong to you Lord Jesus Christ.”

3. The Importance of Alignment with God’s Will

When you obey God, it’s not about ticking off a religious checklist. It’s about alignment—bringing your heart in sync with God’s heart. When you align yourself with His will, you’re moving in step with the Creator of the universe. That’s where true peace and purpose come from.

Sacrifices Without Obedience are Empty

You could give all your money to charity or spend hours volunteering, but if your heart isn’t fully aligned with God, it’s just going through the motions. Hosea 6:6 says, “For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings.” God is more interested in a heart that loves Him and follows His lead than in outward acts of sacrifice.

Obedience Leads to Blessings: Beyond the Material

Here is a big secret: obedience comes with perks/benefits. When we hear “blessings,” our minds often go straight to material things—money, success, or maybe even that dream house or car. And while God certainly can bless us with those things, His blessings go far beyond the physical stuff.

Let’s talk about some relatable, real-life ways that obedience opens the door to God's blessings in ways that actually truly matter.

Obedience is like the key that unlocks the door to the life God designed uniquely for you. And spoiler alert: that life is full of peace, joy, and purpose. But these blessings often show up in ways that are even more valuable than the stuff we can see or touch.

  • Peace in the Middle of Chaos

Life can be messy. Sometimes you’re doing all the right things and still feel like you’re stuck in a storm. But here’s the thing: obedience brings peace, even when the circumstances around you are chaotic.

Example: Maybe you’ve been in a season of uncertainty—whether it’s waiting for a job, clarity about a relationship, or just figuring out what to do next. Instead of panicking and taking matters into your own hands, you choose to obey God by trusting Him and following His lead, step by step. And guess what?

Even when the outcome isn’t clear yet, you start experiencing this supernatural peace that makes no sense to the people around you. That’s one of God’s blessings! Obedience helps you rest in the fact that He’s got it under control, so you don’t have to try and manipulate things in your favor.

Philippians 4:7 says it best: “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

  • Clear Direction and Purpose

Ever feel like you’re wandering around, unsure of your next step? Welcome to adulthood, right? One of the most underrated blessings of obedience is clarity. When you follow God’s lead—even when it doesn’t make sense—He directs your path in ways that are so much better than anything you could’ve planned yourself.

Example: Let’s say you’ve been debating taking a job that looks perfect on paper, but something feels off spiritually. Instead of jumping at the offer, you pause and ask God what He wants. Maybe He nudges you to turn it down, which feels scary because “what if I don’t get another opportunity?” But you obey, trusting that God knows best.

A few months later, a door opens to a job that’s not only a better fit but also aligns perfectly with your gifts and passions. That’s a direct blessing of obedience—clarity and divine opportunities that show up at the right time.

  • Stronger, Healthier Relationships

Obedience also brings blessings in our relationships. Whether it’s friendships, family, work dynamics, or romantic relationships, when we follow God’s guidance, we experience stronger connections built on trust, respect, and love.

Example: You’ve been struggling with a relationship that’s become toxic—maybe it’s a friendship, a family member, or even someone you’re dating. You know God is nudging you to set boundaries, or maybe even walk away, but it’s hard. Obeying God in that moment, though, opens the door for healthier relationships to come into your life. When you make space by being obedient—letting go of what’s harmful—God will bring people into your life who uplift, encourage, and help you grow spiritually. That’s a huge blessing!

Obedience to God’s way of loving others, setting boundaries, and forgiving when necessary always leads to stronger, more fulfilling relationships.

Women working together in collaboration
Toria Indie being obedient to orders and collaborating with her superior

  • Protection from Bad Decisions

One of the biggest blessings of obedience is protection—sometimes God saves us from things we don’t even realize could harm us. Obeying His voice can keep us from walking into situations that could bring regret, heartbreak, or long-term consequences.

Example: You’re tempted to jump into a relationship because it looks good on the surface, but deep down, you feel that still, small voice telling you to wait. Everyone around you is saying, “Go for it!” but you choose to obey that nudge. A few months later, you find out that the person had hidden issues that would have caused a lot of pain for you. Because of your obedience, you’re protected from heartbreak you never even saw coming.

Obedience often keeps us safe from mistakes or missteps that we might have rushed into on our own. It’s God’s way of saying, “I see the bigger picture—trust Me.”

  • Spiritual Growth and Deeper Intimacy with God

This one is huge. The more you obey God, the closer you grow to Him. Obedience leads to spiritual growth and a deeper understanding of who God is. It’s not just about doing the right thing—it’s about developing a relationship with God where you trust Him more and more.

Example: Let’s say you feel God calling you to spend more time in prayer or reading His Word- the Bible. It feels hard because, let’s face it, life is busy, and there are a million other things you could be doing. But you decide to obey, setting out time to spend with God, our heavenly father every day.

Over time, you notice that you’re not just growing spiritually—you’re experiencing more peace, more wisdom, and more joy, even in the tough moments. You’re starting to hear God’s voice more clearly, and your faith is growing in ways you never expected.

Obedience in the small things—like time with God—leads to blessings that build your faith and strengthen your relationship with Him. There’s nothing more fulfilling than growing closer to the One who created you.

  • Unexpected Opportunities and Divine Favor

Sometimes obedience brings tangible, visible blessings in the form of unexpected opportunities or favor. You might not see it right away, but when you consistently obey God, He opens doors that you never could’ve opened on your own.

Example: You decide to obey God’s prompting to serve in a small, unnoticed role at church or in your community. You’re not doing it for recognition, just out of obedience. Months later, because of your faithfulness in that small role, someone notices your gifts and invites you into a bigger opportunity—maybe it’s a job, a speaking engagement, or a leadership role. This isn’t coincidence—it’s divine favor. God opens doors for those who are faithful in the small things.

Luke 16:10 tells us, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much.” Obeying God in the small things often leads to greater opportunities and blessings later on.

  • Joy and Fulfillment

Lastly, obedience brings something the world can’t offer—true joy and fulfillment. There’s something deeply satisfying about knowing you’re walking in alignment with God’s will. It brings a sense of purpose and contentment that nothing else can match.

Example: You might choose to obey God by using your gifts in a way that serves others, even if it feels uncomfortable or inconvenient. Maybe you volunteer your time or talents in a ministry or help someone in need. The joy you experience from seeing lives changed, from knowing you’re making a real positive impact, is a blessing beyond words. It’s the fulfillment that comes from knowing you’re exactly where God wants you to be, doing what He created you to do.

4. The Dangers of Disobedience (A.K.A. Why You Don’t Want to Play This Game)

Disobedience can seem harmless in the moment, but the consequences can be heavy. Here’s what’s at stake:

1. Loss of God’s Favor

One of the biggest dangers of disobedience is the loss of God’s favor. Now, this doesn’t mean God stops loving you—His love is unconditional—but it does mean that you step outside of the flow of His blessings. You end up in a place where the doors that were meant to open for you stay shut.

Remember King Saul? He lost his entire kingship because he thought he could do things his way and throw in a sacrifice for good measure. He lost God’s favor because he thought he could cut corners.

2. Spiritual Confusion and Frustration

Ever feel like you’re spiritually stuck or can’t seem to hear from God? or you feel like your prayers are just bouncing off the ceiling. That’s often the result of disobedience. When we ignore God’s instructions, it’s like turning down the volume on His voice. The more we disobey, the harder it becomes to hear His guidance.

3. Consequences in Relationships and Life

Disobedience doesn’t just affect you—it can impact your relationships, your decisions, and even your future. Ignoring God’s wisdom can lead to broken friendships, poor choices, and setbacks that could’ve been avoided.

Think about it:

  • Ignoring God’s call to forgive someone leads to bitterness, and that bitterness poisons your friendship.

  • Disregarding God’s guidance about boundaries in a relationship leads to heartbreak, jealousy, or confusion.

  • Failing to obey God’s wisdom in your work life might cause you to make a shady decision, leading to damage to your reputation or loss of trust.

Disobedience doesn’t just affect you—it affects everyone around you.

Remember Jonah? God told him to go to Nineveh, but Jonah ran in the opposite direction. His disobedience didn’t just affect him—it affected everyone on that ship during the storm. Their lives were in danger because Jonah was trying to run from God’s plan (Jonah 1:4-17). That’s what disobedience does—it pulls others into the storm of your bad decisions.

Here’s the truth: disobedience always has a cost. And the enemy loves when we think it doesn’t. He loves to whisper, “It’s no big deal. God will understand. Just do what feels right for you.” But the reality is, when we choose to disobey, we step outside of the blessing, protection, and guidance that God freely offers.

We invite confusion, frustration, missed opportunities, and broken relationships into our lives.

But here’s the good news: The grace of God grace is always available. If you’ve been walking in disobedience, it’s not too late to turn around. All you need to do is genuinely repent from the sin of disobedience and rebellion and choose to be obedient today, and God will meet you right where you are. His arms are always open, ready to restore you and get you back on track.

5. How to Develop a Lifestyle of Obedience

So how do we actually grow in obedience? Let me break it down for you:

1. Daily Surrender

Start each day by giving your plans to God. It doesn’t have to be a long, drawn-out prayer. Just something simple like, “God, I surrender this day to You. Guide me in every decision I make.” When you consistently surrender, it becomes a habit.

2. Study the Word

If you want to obey God, you need to know what He’s asking. And that means diving into the Bible. It’s full of wisdom and instructions for every area of life. Start small—maybe a chapter a day. Proverbs is a great place to kick off.

A woman praying for discernment and reading her Bible

3. Pray for Discernment

Ask the Holy Spirit to show you areas where you might be walking in disobedience. Sometimes, we’re unaware of the ways we’re straying. Prayer opens the door for God to guide us back.

4. Small Acts of Obedience

Obedience doesn’t always mean huge, life-altering decisions. It starts with the small stuff. Being faithful in the little things builds the discipline for the bigger challenges.

6. Lord Jesus Christ: The Ultimate Example of Obedience

You want to talk about obedience? Let’s talk about Jesus. Philippians 2:8 says He was obedient to the point of death—even death on a cross. Jesus could’ve bailed out at any point, but He didn’t. He obeyed God’s plan for redemption, even when it meant immense suffering. His obedience literally changed the course of history and made a way for us to be saved.

7. Putting Obedience Into Practice Today

Okay, so we’ve talked about how obedience is about trusting God’s plan over our own, but what does that look like in the real world? Like, in the middle of your busy schedule, friendships, school, work, family drama, and those moments where life just isn’t going as planned? Here are some practical ways you can start walking out obedience in your everyday life.

  • In Relationships: Forgive That Person Who Wronged You—Even If They Don’t Apologize

Let’s be honest—this one is tough. Someone hurts you, and you’re sitting there thinking, “They don’t even deserve my forgiveness. Why should I let this go?”

But here’s the thing: obedience to God calls us to forgive, not because the other person deserves it, but because it frees your heart. Jesus forgave us while we were still messed up and didn’t deserve it (Romans 5:8), and He asks us to do the same for others.

Practical ways to live this out:

  • Pray for the person who hurt you. (Yep, I said it!) Ask God to help you forgive and let go of the bitterness. It might feel awkward, but prayer softens your heart.

  • Set boundaries where needed. Forgiving doesn’t mean you have to let toxic people back into your life with no boundaries. You can forgive while protecting your peace and emotional health.

  • Take small steps to reconcile. Maybe send a text, check in, or simply stop holding onto the grudge. It doesn’t have to be dramatic, but even small acts of kindness or prayer help you move forward.

Forgiveness is obedience, and it takes the burden off your shoulders, letting God handle the justice part.

  • With Finances: Tithe Even When It’s Tight

Talking about money is always tricky, right? Especially when it feels like there’s barely enough to cover the bills, let alone give any of it away. But tithing is one of those areas where God is very clear—He wants us to trust Him with our finances. It’s not because He needs our money, but because tithing is an act of faith that says, “God, I believe You are my provider, not my paycheck.”

Practical ways to live this out:

  • Start small but consistent. If tithing 10% feels overwhelming, start with what you can and be consistent. God isn’t looking for an amount—He’s looking for your trust.

  • Budget with God in mind. When you plan your finances, put God first. Think of tithing as a non-negotiable, like your rent or groceries.

  • Give generously even outside of tithing. Maybe a friend is going through a tough time or your church is raising funds for a mission trip. Obeying God might look like offering what you have, even when it feels like you have little to give.

When you tithe, you’re saying, “God, I trust that You’ll provide for me,” and God promises that He will bless those who give with a cheerful heart (2 Corinthians 9:7). It’s about trusting His math, not ours.

  • With Your Talents: Step Out and Use Your Gifts to Serve, Even When It’s Uncomfortable

Here’s a big one: you have talents, and God didn’t give them to you just for your own benefit. Maybe you can sing, maybe you’re a natural leader, or maybe you’re great at organizing things. Whatever your talent is, God wants you to use it to serve others and glorify Him.

But let’s be real—it’s so much easier to just sit on those gifts and say, “Eh, I’m not ready,” or “I don’t want to put myself out there.” Obedience means stepping out of your comfort zone, even when it feels risky.

Practical ways to live this out:

  • Say “yes” when asked. If someone asks you to help with something that uses your gifts—like serving in church, leading a small group, or volunteering—say yes, even if you don’t feel totally prepared.

  • Look for opportunities. Don’t wait for someone else to come to you. Seek out ways to use your talents, whether it’s offering to help with an event at church, mentoring a younger person, or even starting something yourself.

  • Share your talents online or in your community. Got a gift for writing? Start a blog or a YouTube channel sharing your journey with God. Love helping people? Volunteer at a local shelter or community project. Your talents aren’t meant to stay hidden!

Sometimes obedience means getting uncomfortable, but that’s where growth happens. God’s not looking for perfection—He’s just asking for your availability.

  • During Trials: Trust God in the Waiting

This one is huge, because let’s be honest—nobody likes waiting. Whether you’re waiting for a breakthrough, a relationship, a new job, or clarity about your next steps in life, it can feel like God is moving at a snail’s pace while life keeps throwing curveballs at you.

But here’s the thing: waiting is not wasted time. Sometimes obedience looks like staying faithful and hopeful while God works behind the scenes.

Practical ways to live this out:

  • Pray for patience and perseverance. During seasons of waiting, ask God to strengthen your faith and give you peace. Let go of the need to control the outcome and trust that God’s timing is perfect.

  • Stay obedient in the small things. Don’t wait for the “big moment” to obey. Keep showing up, keep serving, keep trusting God in the everyday details. The waiting is where God often does the deepest work in us.

  • Journal your journey. Write down your prayers, your frustrations, and the things you’re learning during the waiting season. Sometimes, seeing how far you’ve come helps you realize that God is working, even when it feels slow.

Trusting God in the waiting is hard, but it’s also one of the most powerful ways to show obedience. Remember, God is faithful, and His plans for you are good, even when it feels like the process is taking forever.

  • With Your Commitments: Stay True to What God Has Called You To

Let’s face it: sticking with commitments is tough in a world that promotes quick changes and immediate gratification. But when God calls you to something—whether it’s a ministry, a relationship, or a specific season of life—obedience means staying the course, even when it gets hard, boring, or inconvenient.

Practical ways to live this out:

  • Don’t quit too soon. Whether it’s a volunteer role, a project you’re working on, or a relationship God has placed in your life, don’t walk away just because things got difficult or you’re not feeling it anymore.

  • Seek God’s direction before making changes. If you’re feeling unsure about a commitment, take it to God in prayer. Sometimes He’s asking you to stay, sometimes He’s guiding you elsewhere. But make sure the move is His direction, not just your desire to make things easier.

  • Finish strong. If God has given you a task or a responsibility, see it through with excellence. Obedience isn’t just about starting well—it’s about finishing well.

Final Thought: Obedience > Sacrifice

Here’s the bottom line: God doesn’t just want your sacrifices; He wants your heart. Obedience isn’t about following rules for the sake of rules—it’s about trusting that God knows best and aligning your life with His will. When you obey, you position yourself to live under the fullness of God’s blessing and protection.

Sacrifice is good, but obedience is what leads to transformation. So, let’s commit to living a life that’s not just about outward acts of faith, but about a heart that says, “God, I trust You enough to obey, even when it’s hard.”

Here is a Challenge for you: This week, think of one area in your life where God has been nudging you to obey. Maybe it’s a relationship, a habit, or a decision. Take that step of obedience, and watch how God shows up mightily.

You got this, and God’s got you. Let us be obedient.

As always, remain faithful.

I love you.


"And let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." – Galatians 6:9


Oranjemund, Namibia

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